MyStatus - Ufone 4G

My Status

Share your thoughts, ideas, status or any personalized message via Ufone’s My Status. Once you set up your status, your contacts will start receiving it as a flash SMS anytime they call you.

Features of the product include setting general status visible to all callers, specific statuses for a specific caller, blacklisting/whitelisting of numbers, subscribe to a Status Box to have multiple statuses set against callers randomly picked from defined statuses (a box can have a maximum of 10 different statuses) and much more.


The service will be charged for Prepaid Rs 2 & Postpaid Rs 1.67+tax/day
SMS: SUB to 6525
USSD: Dial *969# and follow the on-screen instructions

Please enter your mobile number below.

or visit your nearest retailer or subscribe through ‘My Ufone’ app

For SMS:

  • SMS SUB to 6525
  • You may set any status of your liking by simply sending your intended status to 6525
  • Your default status (if you have not set anything yourself) is set to Ramzan Mubarik
  • To set a status for a specific number please SMS phone number][Status], example: 0333xxxxxxx Hello!


  • Dial *969# and follow the on-screen instructions
Current Commands Command Description
Sub Register service
Unsub Unregister service
Pause Temporarily stop status sending
Resume Resume status sending
Help Help Menu
Off<space>phonenumber Blacklisting a number
Off All Delete Blacklist
Off All<space>Number Delete one number from Blacklist
B#box id          for example: B1, B2 etc. Subscribe to Status Box
(Status boxes contain predefined statuses)
Q#box id          for example: Q1, Q2 etc. Query the contents of a Status Box
On<space>phonenumber Whitelisting a number
On All Delete Whitelist
On All<space>Number Delete one number from Whitelist
Stop To stop receiving everybody’s Status
Stop<space>Number Stop receiving one user’s status
Start To start receiving Statuses
Start<space>Number Start receiving one user’s status
  • Subscription is based on daily recursive model; only subscription charges apply
  • There are no additional charges for using MyStatus service, i.e. users can change their status as many times as they please and make use of other features without being getting charged further
  • This service is available to entire whole Ufone base.
  • The contents and structure of the status is totally the user’s responsibility, Ufone will not be responsible for any illicit/offensive/ill statuses
  • Character limit: 160
  • In line with the regulatory requirements; MyStatus uses filters on certain keywords which cannot be part of a status. For such cases users will have to revise their intended status messages.
Contact Us
  • Helpline (From Ufone): 333
  • Tel: 033-11-333-100
  • Email:
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